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carol monosson edan

Just Some Thoughts

I know I have been lacking, lazy, not focused, and not keeping the promise to myself. I can blame the weather, the situation in Israel, my writing abilities, not knowing what to say, well not philosophical enough, whatever. So decided it's about time.

I have been working, just finished another course with Melinda Cootsona. She is a marvelous teacher. I guess you can label me a "groupy". She is a master of color and the figure.

This course was through Kara Bullock's art school.

Color: Intention to use a limited neutral palette. Looking at shapes!

Used a recent photo from my granddaughter sent from Thailand. I actually love neutrals, always have a pile of med-grey to mix into almost all my colors. Found that my use here helped me set the mood. A many layered painting.


14x14" Oils & Cold Wax on paper

click to enlarge

PS I switched the projects. Expressive color was first. Chose the easier path, neutrals. Will follow soon.

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Aug 08, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Hi Carol, I love that you started with the neutral piece -- I started with the expressive color and haven't yet made it to the neutral which is my favorite too. Love mixing neutrals by combining brights and whites, too. Best regards to you and your family. Diana


carol monosson edan
carol monosson edan
Aug 12, 2023
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Hope you are feeling better. Thanks for the feedback. For some reason wix is not forwarding me any comments. Is there a reason you commented as a guest, is commenting difficult. I am still quite new with this format. BE WELL!


Aug 08, 2023

oooooh I love this color palette! And the end result is just exquisite. I am delighted to see you painting again! xo. Lola

carol monosson edan
carol monosson edan
Aug 12, 2023
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Thanks so much. Took this monthly course with Melinda. Painting really helps forget all that is going on.


Aug 08, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

ציור מדהים סבתא!

רואים בוא את השילוב של המופשט והמחשבות שלך!


Dotty Seiter
Dotty Seiter
Aug 08, 2023

Carol! So happy to see new work of yours, and what a stunning masterful piece "Dreaming" is! Neutrals are balanced, contrasts are effective, measured bits of red/orange pop without dominating, texture provides depth and sensory information, details are deftly suggested, composition pulls me in immediately and holds me. Wow.


Yael Edan
Yael Edan
Aug 08, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

איזה יופי של ציור. הנינוחות והשקט של ליאורי יושבת מול הים עוברת דרך התנועה שהבאת לידי ביטוי בציור. נהדר!!!והיכולת שלך להמשיך ללמוד ולהתפתח- מדהימה. אוהבת אותך מאוד

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