- carol monosson edan
Thank You Mor
Moving from one blogger platform to another is one huge challenge! I did really love the blogger platform, but when Google stopped their host FeedBurner, I had to find a host to send the posts to my mailing list. I found a host, but recently they stopped their service.
To make a long story short, after searching and trying, I decided on the WIX platform my granddaughter suggested. Yesterday Mor helped me put some finishing touches on the site,making it mobile friendly, unified colors and fonts. So BIG THANKYOU MOR!
Street View of Ballycastle Mor at Keenan's Restaurant Ballycastle Beach Shots
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What a exepirense
יישר כח לשתיכן.
אין דבר היומד בפני הרצון
Beautiful! The two of you, and the views! Congrats on your new site Carol! :)
I've been to Ballycastle! I have stood on that beach! And just like that, the world seems very small and manageable. xo
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