Two More Layers
I'm new with the Wix editor, so I'm blogging to learn the format and document the progress of my painting. Oils and cold wax medium is a unique process, much different from regular oils or acrylics. The paint is very materialistic, the reason that attracted me to it. The process is mainly built up layers. Editing out, adding scratching, drawing.
I am focusing on a few intentions, the concepts of determination and uncertainty. And formal intentions of neutrals vs saturated primary palette of red, blue, and yellow.
I love how the primaries pop! The color differences are due to the time of day and the lighting conditions!
low your brilliant use of primaries - you made them look earthy and yet vibrant. Whoa!
תתחדשי על הדומיין החדש
I love the cold wax! And getting a peek into your process!
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